Monday, July 05, 2010

FreeRTOS Port For TMS320F28027 Piccolo Control Stick and TMX320C5515 eZdsp USB Stick Coming Soon

Hello All,

I am currently working on a port for the Piccolo Control Stick that I will post soon.

Please e-mail if you'd like additional info.

I am also planning on porting over to the 'C5515 soon as well.

John Westmoreland

Update For MSP-EXP430F5438

Hello All,

I am working on an updated post for the TI


experimenter's board. I finally received a couple of MSP430F5438A's from TI - and am running tests now. The demo's performance is a little under what is expected - I am currently looking at the reason(s) for that now.

When I am satisfied with the demo - I will post the demo and port. I have also updated the files to the latest released from TI and the FreeRTOS version is the latest to date - 6.0.5.

If you'd like to see the demo before I officially post it - please drop me an e-mail and I will gladly send it to you.

As always, these demo's and posts of the ports contain no warranties, expressed or implied. You also need to review the latest errata on the version of the chip you are using, plus review whether or not your compiler vendor is incorporating the errata into their tools.

John Westmoreland